A Fresh Start

We are the Smith Family and are so excited to call Crown Point, IN the home of our first Great Harvest Bakery and Café! 

Elise and her family have lived in Northwest, Indiana for many years, raising children, attending all kinds of youth activities from swimming to soccer to basketball, and loving this community they call home. Elise and her sister-in-law, Katie, decided that Crown Point was the perfect location to build a new business – one that was founded on an incredible premise: freshly milled flour to create healthy and wholesome bread every day. But not just bread, a café that features homemade goodies, sandwiches, salads, espresso, and be a great place to hang out. 

We want to enhance our community with our bakery/cafe by providing a place of that is welcoming, serves delicious food, and plays a part in what makes Northwest Indiana the best place to live.

Great Harvest Northwest Indiana will open to the public this summer. Our guests will find a lot of healthy and delicious options including freshly baked bread, goodies, sandwiches, salads, and more. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and sign up for our newsletter for updates and announcements.
Great Harvest Crown Point